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# Exercise 2 Linear regression in 1D
The goal of this exercise is to understand how the linear regression works in one dimension. To do so, we will generate a data in one dimension. Using `make regression` from Scikit-learn, generate a data set with 100 observations:
X, y, coef = make_regression(n_samples=100,
1. Plot the data using matplotlib. The plot should look like this:
![alt text][q1]
[q1]: ./w2_day1_ex2_q1.png "Scatter plot"
2. Fit a LinearRegression from Scikit-learn on the generated data and give the equation of the fitted line. The expected output is: `y = coef * x + intercept`
3. Add the fitted line to the plot. the plot should look like this:
![alt text][q3]
[q3]: ./w2_day1_ex2_q3.png "Scatter plot + fitted line"
4. Predict on X
5. Create a function that computes the Mean Squared Error (MSE) and compute the MSE on the data set. *The MSE is frequently used as well as other regression metrics that will be studied later this week.*
def compute_mse(y_true, y_pred):
return mse
Change the `noise` parameter of `make_regression` to 50
6. Repeat question 2, 4 and compute the MSE on the new data.