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26 lines
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"description": "whatIsMyPurpose is defined and is a function",
"code": "let dialogue = {\n myQuestion: 'What is my purpose?',\n \"Rick's answer\": 'You pass butter.',\n}\n\n// Your code\n\nif (typeof whatIsMyPurpose === 'undefined') {\n throw Error(\n `You didn't even define the function whatIsMyPurpose... make it better! reread the lesson...`,\n )\n}\n\nif (typeof whatIsMyPurpose != 'function') {\n throw Error('whatIsMyPurpose must be a function')\n}"
"description": "theAnswer is defined and is a function",
"code": "let dialogue = {\n myQuestion: 'What is my purpose?',\n \"Rick's answer\": 'You pass butter.',\n}\n\n// Your code\n\nif (typeof theAnswer === 'undefined') {\n throw Error(\n `You didn't even define the function theAnswer... make it better! reread the lesson...`,\n )\n}\n\nif (typeof theAnswer != 'function') {\n throw Error('theAnswer must be a function')\n}"
"description": "whatIsMyPurpose has no arguments",
"code": "let dialogue = {\n myQuestion: 'What is my purpose?',\n \"Rick's answer\": 'You pass butter.',\n}\n\n// Your code\n\nif (whatIsMyPurpose.length > 0) {\n throw Error('No arguments allowed for this function! You do not need them!')\n}"
"description": "theAnswer has no arguments",
"code": "let dialogue = {\n myQuestion: 'What is my purpose?',\n \"Rick's answer\": 'You pass butter.',\n}\n\n// Your code\n\nif (theAnswer.length > 0) {\n throw Error('No arguments allowed for this function! You do not need them!')\n}"
"description": "whatIsMyPurpose works and is called",
"code": "const args = saveArguments(console, 'log')\nlet dialogue = {\n myQuestion: 'What is my purpose?',\n \"Rick's answer\": 'You pass butter.',\n}\n\n// Your code\n\nwhatIsMyPurpose()\n\nconst loggedValues = args.flat().join(' ')\nif (!loggedValues.includes('What is my purpose?')) {\n throw Error('you must log the value of the key: myQuestion')\n}\nconst functionCalls = args.flat().filter((el) => el === 'What is my purpose?')\n .length\nif (functionCalls != 2) {\n throw Error(`you must call the function whatIsMyPurpose once\"`)\n}"
"description": "theAnswer works and is called",
"code": "const args = saveArguments(console, 'log')\nlet dialogue = {\n myQuestion: 'What is my purpose?',\n \"Rick's answer\": 'You pass butter.',\n}\n\n// Your code\n\ntheAnswer()\n\nconst loggedValues = args.flat().join(' ')\nif (!loggedValues.includes('You pass butter.')) {\n throw Error(`you must log the value of the key: \"Rick's answer\"`)\n}\nconst functionCalls = args.flat().filter((el) => el === 'You pass butter.')\n .length\nif (functionCalls != 2) {\n throw Error(`you must call the function theAnswer once\"`)\n}"