[ { "description": "if the player can't buy anything, the array should be empty", "code": "let playerCoins = 2\n\n// Your code\n\nif (!Array.isArray(purchasableGoods)) {\n throw Error(`purchasableGoods must be declared and an array`)\n}\n\nequal(purchasableGoods.length, 0)" }, { "description": "if the player can only buy arrows", "code": "let playerCoins = 3\n\n// Your code\n\nequal(purchasableGoods, ['arrows'])" }, { "description": "if the player can buy arrows and the boots", "code": "let playerCoins = 50\n\n// Your code\n\nequal(purchasableGoods, ['arrows', 'boots'])" }, { "description": "if the player can buy everything", "code": "let playerCoins = 299.99\n\n// Your code\n\nequal(purchasableGoods, ['arrows', 'boots', 'sword'])" }, { "description": "if the player can buy everything, and more", "code": "let playerCoins = 999\n\n// Your code\n\nequal(purchasableGoods, ['arrows', 'boots', 'sword'])" } ]