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docs: adding more details and improve some questions.

zanninso 5 months ago
  1. 30


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##### Ask the student to describe the microservices architecture implemented.
###### Did the architecture effectively split functionalities into different microservices based on key factors like scalability and domain separation?
###### Have you clearly defined the boundaries for each microservice based on business domains?
###### Do your microservices align directly with specific business functions?
###### Are your microservices designed to operate independently of one another?
###### Can each microservice be deployed, updated, and scaled without affecting others?
###### Is your architecture designed to support the independent scalability of each microservice?
###### Does your system maintain functionality even when one or more services fail?
###### Is there an API Gateway in your architecture to manage incoming requests?
###### Can you track and trace a request across multiple services easily?
###### Are communications between your microservices secured?
##### Ask the student to explain one of the Ansible playbook
@ -11,7 +27,7 @@
##### Discuss the CI/CD pipeline setup.
###### Is there unit tests for each functionality and are the test run for each PR?
###### Are there unit tests for each functionality and are the test runs for each PR?
###### Is the SonarQube report free from any error or warning that can break the CI/CD Process?
@ -33,13 +49,15 @@
##### Test each microservice API.
###### Are all microservice APIs role-based and don't work with an admin role-based user authenticated except the login API?
###### Are all the microservices' APIs only accessible when logged in with an Admin profile?
###### Are all microservice APIs functioning correctly and handling errors effectively?
##### Verify Admin Dashboard functionality.
##### Admin should be able to perform CRUD operations for users, travelers and payment methods. For each "entity" try to create, read, update and delete.
###### Is everything working as expected?
###### Did the Admin Dashboard correctly manage users, travels, and payment gateways?
###### Are errors handled correctly?
##### Test Authentication and Authorization.
@ -61,7 +79,7 @@
###### Is the code consistence and well structured, also do they follow naming conventions in recent pull requests?
###### Are all the used libraries supported and not deprecated and not having any deprecated methods in use, in recent pull requests?
###### Are all the used libraries supported and not deprecated and not having any deprecated methods in use, in recent pull requests check SonarQube?
###### Are the security vulnerabilities found by SonarQube resolved in the pull requests?
