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# UI IV - Ex 2 - Design system library
2 years ago
Based on the moodboard you designed in Ex 1, create a design system with at least 30 elements, including atoms, molecules and organisms, and include multistates.
- A PDF document extracted from a Figma file with a library including
- At least graphic design 30 elements
- At least 5 atoms
- At least 5 molecules
- At least 5 organisms
- At least 10 multistate variations
- Start by asking yourself what key elements may appear in an e-commerce app.
- Feel free to get inspiration from existing design systems. Browse Dribble and the Figma community!
- [FIGMA FILE (to duplicate)](!?node-id=0%3A1)
- [Introduction to design systems](
- [Create a design system - Figma course](
- [Building a design system library - Lyft](
- [Examples of UI Buttons library](