You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1022 B

Exercise 5 Groupby Agg

The goal of this exercise is to learn to compute different type of aggregations on the groups. This small DataFrame contains products and prices.

value product
0 20.45 table
1 22.89 chair
2 32.12 chair
3 111.22 mobile phone
4 33.22 table
5 100 mobile phone
6 99.99 table
  1. Compute the min, max and mean price for each product in one single line of code. The expected output is:
product ('value', 'min') ('value', 'max') ('value', 'mean')
chair 22.89 32.12 27.505
mobile phone 100 111.22 105.61
table 20.45 99.99 51.22

Note: The columns don't have to be MultiIndex