##### The exercice is validated is all questions of the exercice are validated ##### The solution of question 1 is accepted if the plot reproduces the plot in the image and respect those criteria. ###### Does it have a the title ? ###### Does it have a name on x-axis and y-axis ? ![alt text][logo_ex6] [logo_ex6]: ../w1day03_ex6_plot1.png "Time series ex6" ##### The solution of question 2 is accepted if the plot reproduces the plot in the image by using `plotly.graph_objects` and respect those criteria. 2.This question is validated if the plot is in the image is reproduced using `plotly.graph_objects` given those criteria: ###### Does it have a the title ? ###### Does it have a name on x-axis and y-axis ? ![alt text][logo_ex6] [logo_ex6]: ../w1day03_ex6_plot1.png "Time series ex6"