## Exercise 2: Pandas plot 2 The goal of this exercise is to learn to create plots with use Pandas. Panda's `.plot()` is a wrapper for `matplotlib.pyplot.plot()`. ```python df = pd.DataFrame({ 'name':['christopher','marion','maria','mia','clement','randy','remi'], 'age':[70,30,22,19,45,33,20], 'gender':['M','F','F','F','M','M','M'], 'state':['california','dc','california','dc','california','new york','porto'], 'num_children':[4,2,1,0,3,1,0], 'num_pets':[5,1,0,2,2,2,3] }) ``` 1. Reproduce this plot. This plot is called a scatter plot. Do you observe a relationship between the age and the number of children ? ![alt text][logo_ex2] [logo_ex2]: ./w1day03_ex2_plot1.png "Scatter plot ex2" The plot has to contain: - the title - name on x-axis - name on y-axis