You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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##### The exercice is validated is all questions of the exercice are validated
##### The question 1 is validated if the outputted plot looks like:
![alt text][ex5q1]
[ex5q1]: ../w2_day1_ex5_q1.png "Scatter plot "
##### The question 2 is validated if the output is: `11808.867339751561`
##### The question 3 is validated if `grid.shape` is `(640000,2)`.
##### The question 4 is validated if the 10 first values of losses are:
array([158315.41493175, 158001.96852692, 157689.02212209, 157376.57571726,
157064.62931244, 156753.18290761, 156442.23650278, 156131.79009795,
155821.84369312, 155512.39728829])
##### The question 5 is validated if the outputted plot looks like
![alt text][ex5q5]
[ex5q5]: ../w2_day1_ex5_q5.png "MSE"
##### The question 6 is validated if the point returned is
`array([42.5, 99. ])`. It means that `a= 42.5` and `b=99`.
##### The question 7 is validated if the coefficients returned are
Coefficients (a): 42.61943031121358
Intercept (b): 99.18581814447936
##### The question 8 is validated if the outputted plot is
![alt text][ex5q8]
[ex5q8]: ../w2_day1_ex5_q8.png "MSE + Gradient descent"
##### The question 9 is validated if the coefficients and intercept returned are:
Coefficients: [42.61943029]
Intercept: 99.18581817296929