You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

31 lines
1.3 KiB

echo "TEST: incorrect input:"
go run . banana standard --align right #intenionaly incorrest
echo "left standard --align=right"
go run . left standard --align=right
echo "right thinkertoy --align=left"
go run . right thinkertoy --align=left
echo "\"1 Two 4\" standard --align=justify"
go run . "1 Two 4" standard --align=justify
echo "\"23 / 32\" shadow --align=center"
go run . "23 / 32" shadow --align=center
echo "ABC\nabc123 thinkertoy --align=right"
go run . ABC\\nabc123 thinkertoy --align=right
echo "\"#$%&\" standard --align=center"
go run . "#$%&" standard --align=center
echo "\"23Hello World!\" standard --align=left"
go run . "23Hello World!" standard --align=left
echo "\"HELLO there HOW are YOU?!\" thinkertoy --align=justify"
go run . "HELLO there HOW are YOU?!" thinkertoy --align=justify
echo "\"a -> A b -> B c -> C\" shadow --align=right"
go run . "a -> A b -> B c -> C" shadow --align=right
echo "abcd shadow --align=left"
go run . abcd shadow --align=left
echo "2-lines centered"
go run . "ONE\n2nd R0W" shadow --align=center
echo "2-lines right"
go run . "abc DEF\n\\kood @ [Johvi]" standard --align=right
echo "2-lines left"
go run . "abc DEF\n\\kood @ [Johvi]" standard --align=left
echo "triple justified "
go run . "first row\nS E C O N D\nAnd The Third One" thinkertoy --align=justify