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test push

kauri 2 years ago
  1. 55
  2. 269


@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
package main
import (
var page *template.Template
func main() {
fmt.Println("welcome to forum")
page = template.Must(template.ParseGlob("templates/*.html"))
http.Handle("/styles/", http.StripPrefix("/styles/", http.FileServer(http.Dir("styles"))))
http.HandleFunc("/", IndexHandler)
http.HandleFunc("/profile/", ProfileHandler)
http.HandleFunc("/register/", LoginHandler)
http.HandleFunc("/signin/", LoginHandler)
http.HandleFunc("/profile/posts/", LoginHandler) // css not reached
http.HandleFunc("/profile/likes/", LoginHandler) // css not reached
http.HandleFunc("/posts/", ErrHandler) // temporary
http.HandleFunc("/categories/", ErrHandler) // temporary
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
func IndexHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if err := page.ExecuteTemplate(w, "home.html", nil); err != nil {
http.Error(w, "Internal Error", http.StatusInternalServerError)
func ProfileHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if err := page.ExecuteTemplate(w, "profile.html", nil); err != nil {
http.Error(w, "Internal Error", http.StatusInternalServerError)
func LoginHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if err := page.ExecuteTemplate(w, "login.html", nil); err != nil {
http.Error(w, "Internal Error", http.StatusInternalServerError)
func ErrHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if err := page.ExecuteTemplate(w, "error.html", nil); err != nil {
http.Error(w, "Internal Error", http.StatusInternalServerError)


@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
package main
import (
// 20OCT21 review commit verison
func main() {
file_name := string(os.Args[1])
input_text, err_01 := ioutil.ReadFile(file_name)
if err_01 != nil {
// fmt.Println(string(input_text))
text_slice := SplitBySpace(string(input_text))
// fmt.Println(text_slice)
text_slice = FindHexBinArticles(text_slice) // convert nr systems
text := RemoveDoubleSpaces(strings.Join(text_slice, " ")) // empty slice units removed
// fmt.Println(text)
text = FixPunctuation(text) // first punctuation check
next_slice := SplitBySpace(text)
// strings.Fields(sisesta_string)
next_slice = FindTriggers(next_slice) // upper lower capitalize
output_text := RemoveDoubleSpaces(strings.Join(next_slice, " ")) // slice back to single string
output_text = FixPunctuation(output_text) // final punctuation control
// fmt.Println(string(output_text))
output_text = FixApostrophes(output_text) // apostrophes being checked
// fmt.Println(string(output_text))
os.WriteFile(string(os.Args[2]), []byte(string(output_text)), os.ModePerm)
func RemoveDoubleSpaces(text string) string {
for x := 0; x < len(text)-1; x++ {
if x < len(text)-1 && rune(text[x]) == 32 && rune(text[x+1]) == 32 {
text = text[:x] + text[x+1:]
x = 0
return text
func FixPunctuation(text string) string {
text = RemoveDoubleSpaces(text)
for i := 0; i < len(text); i++ {
if string(text[i]) == "." || string(text[i]) == "," || string(text[i]) == "!" ||
string(text[i]) == "?" || string(text[i]) == ":" || string(text[i]) == ";" {
if i > 0 && string(text[i-1]) == " " {
text = text[:(i-1)] + text[i:]
} else if string(text[i]) != " " {
if i > 0 && (string(text[i-1]) == "." || string(text[i-1]) == "," || string(text[i-1]) == "!" ||
string(text[i-1]) == "?" || string(text[i-1]) == ":" || string(text[i-1]) == ";") {
text = text[:i] + " " + text[i:]
return text
func FixApostrophes(text string) string {
pair_count := true // after finding first apostrophe will turn false, after second back to true
runes := []rune(text)
mark1 := '‘'
mark2 := '’'
for i, letter := range runes {
if letter == mark1 || letter == mark2 {
if i > 0 && i < len(runes)-1 && runes[i-1] != 32 && runes[i+1] != 32 {
runes[i] = mark2
if pair_count {
if i < len(runes)-2 && runes[i+1] == rune(32) {
runes[i] = mark1
runes = append(runes[:i+1], runes[i+2:]...)
pair_count = false
} else {
runes[i] = mark1
pair_count = false
if !pair_count {
if i > 1 && runes[i-1] == rune(32) {
runes[i] = mark2
runes = append(runes[:i-1], runes[i:]...)
pair_count = true
} else {
runes[i] = mark2
pair_count = true
if i < len(runes)-1 {
if rune(runes[i+1]) != ' ' {
helper := runes
runes = append(runes[:i+1], rune(32))
runes = append(runes, helper[i+1:]...)
text = ""
for _, char := range runes {
text += string(char)
return text
func FindHexBinArticles(slice []string) []string {
var x int
for i := range slice {
if strings.Contains(string(slice[i]), "(bin)") || strings.Contains(string(slice[i]), "(hex)") {
x = Converter(strings.ToUpper(slice[i-1]), slice[i][:5])
slice[i-1] = strconv.Itoa(x)
slice[i] = strings.TrimPrefix(slice[i], "(bin)")
slice[i] = strings.TrimPrefix(slice[i], "(hex)")
if i+1 != len(slice) && (slice[i] == "a" || slice[i] == "A") && len(slice[i+1]) != 0 {
if strings.ContainsAny(string(slice[i+1][0]), "aeiouh") {
slice[i] += "n"
return slice
func FindTriggers(slice []string) []string { // all of those add extra space when completed (fix implemented)
var x int // how many words to modify
for i := range slice {
if strings.Contains(string(slice[i]), "(up)") {
slice[i-1] = strings.ToUpper(slice[i-1])
slice[i] = strings.TrimPrefix(slice[i], "(up)")
if strings.Contains(string(slice[i]), "(up,") {
x = int(slice[i][5]) - 48
for a := i - x; a < i; a++ {
slice[a] = strings.ToUpper(slice[a])
slice[i] = slice[i][7:]
if strings.Contains(string(slice[i]), "(low)") {
slice[i-1] = strings.ToLower(slice[i-1])
slice[i] = strings.TrimPrefix(slice[i], "(low)")
if strings.Contains(string(slice[i]), "(low,") {
x = int(slice[i][6]) - 48
for b := i - x; b < i; b++ {
slice[b] = strings.ToLower(slice[b])
slice[i] = slice[i][8:]
if strings.Contains(string(slice[i]), "(cap)") {
slice[i-1] = strings.ToUpper(string(slice[i-1][0])) + slice[i-1][1:]
slice[i] = strings.TrimPrefix(slice[i], "(cap)")
if strings.Contains(string(slice[i]), "(cap,") {
x = int(slice[i][6]) - 48
for c := i - x; c < i; c++ {
slice[c] = strings.ToUpper(string(slice[c][0])) + slice[c][1:]
slice[i] = slice[i][8:]
return slice
func SplitBySpace(text string) []string {
separator := " "
str_temp := "" // temporary string
text_slice := make([]string, 0)
for i, char := range text {
if string(char) != separator && i != len(text)-1 {
str_temp += string(char)
} else if str_temp == "(low," || str_temp == "(up," || str_temp == "(cap," {
str_temp += string(char)
} else {
text_slice = append(text_slice, str_temp)
str_temp = ""
if i == len(text)-1 {
text_slice = append(text_slice, str_temp)
return text_slice
func Converter(str, system string) int { // converting ok (input check missing)
var x int
var base string
if system == "(hex)" {
base = "0123456789ABCDEF"
if system == "(bin)" {
base = "01"
temp_result := 0
result := 0
for id, digit := range str {
for base_id, base_nr := range base {
if digit == base_nr {
x = base_id
z := len(str) - 1 - id
y := len(base)
yVar := y
if z == 0 {
temp_result = x
} else if z == 1 {
temp_result = x * y
} else {
for i := 1; i < z; i++ {
yVar *= y
temp_result = x * yVar
result += temp_result
y = 0
z = 0
return result